Monday, October 2, 2017

Our New Baby Born Doll and Bathtub

We recently were sent a brand new Baby Born doll and Bathtub. Aren't they cute??

The bathtub even comes with a cute little rubber ducky for our new baby to play with. Look, it is wearing goggles. <3

Our new little Baby Born Girl is so cute. She has her own little pacifier to sooth her when she is fussy.

Her bathtub has a shower head and really sprays water when we give our Baby Born doll a bath. She really likes that. :-)

After her bath, we put her pretty pink Baby Born diaper on her. I love these little pink diapers. Aren't they adorable?

Ahhh. After her bath she is really sleepy. Look at her all dressed up in her adorable little kitty onesie, her polka dotted tutu, and her sweet little kitty hat. And look! Her pacifier has polka dots too. She matches!

We love the Baby Born dolls. They can drink and wet, eat doll food and poop, and she can even cry real tears. She doesn't make sounds, but her other features really make her fun to play with! She has her own potty, too that she can sit on and use the bathroom. Or, of course she can pee and poop in her diaper, as well. 

What should we name her?

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